Tuesday, January 29, 2013

FaceWash your FACEBOOK

Facewash is a new Facebook
application developed by
researchers from Kent university, it
allows you to clean up your

Facebook profile from vulgar and
embarrassing contents. FaceWash
comes with a precompiled list of
words that may be considered
offensive or alarming to those
viewing your social history.
FaceWash app requires facebook
profile permission to access.


1. Begin by clicking "Get Started"
2. On the pop-up screen for our
Facebook app "Social Scrubber," click
"Go to App."
3. On the next pop-up screen, click
"Allow." Note: if you click "Skip," all
sections will work except for
"Comments posted on your wall."
4. Once you have logged into
FaceWash™, you have two options to
begin your wash.

more details .

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